Tepid Sense of an Intrepid Destiny

Thursday, June 17, 2004

Corruption Reigns Supreme

Once again, Bush and his cronies are putting it in the public's head that there was a definitive and quantifiable link between Saddam Hussein and Al Qaeda... if you want to look on the surface, it's just as easy to say that anyone in the world has some sort of connection to the terrorist group or Iraq... but as far as a definite link between Hussein and 9/11, no one is saying that explicitly -- they are saying it very often implicitly, like in Cheney's speech this week.

The 9/11 Commission, put together against Bush's will and wishes, has found this to be the case among many other things, and to avoid being called completely partisan and biased, the report could not be as scathing as it should have been. The Commission realizes that the language had to be as diplomatic as possible in order to not be completely written off by the conservative media.

Bush and the whole administration has mismanaged the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, they have bungled foreign policy to the point that, in a time where countries were completely behind us, international coalitions are seemingly forming against us. The United States has lost its integrity in the Middle East, in Europe and in Asia. They are mishandling the situation in North Korea by indicting other countries for the same things Pyongyang is engaged in, as well as Iran.

Bush's "Humble Foreign Policy" has translated to preemption, deception, torture and has become more hypocritical than any other period in the history of this country. Bush had zero foreign relations experience prior to getting appointed to the Presidency and it has shown.

John Kerry and whoever goes as VP will be much better suited to dealing with international terrorism, garnering support abroad, and reasonable enough to see what needs to be done as far as the environment, moral issues, and corruption.

There are hundreds of things that need to be righted regarding this administration's laws, amendments and acts including the Patriot Act, the Clean Air and Water Act, Deforestation, Stem Cell Research, Partial Birth Abortion, Kyoto Treaty, and International Trade.

This is an important time in the history of these United States and now more than ever do we need a competent President and straightforward cabinet.
If the President is running an administration with zero accountability for their errors (and they are innumerable) they should all be held liable by history, law and legacy. Every member, with the exception of Colin Powell, has willingly deceived the domestic and foreign public; they cover things up, bury news, do not disclose and intentional mislead so as to sway public opinion. There isn't one person in this administration that shouldn't resign; the President should be impeached for obstruction of justice (among other things) for his unwillingness to rebuke the lack of communication between cabinet members, departments of justice (don’t get me started on Ashcroft), intelligence and covert operatives and bureaus. According to them, they are infallible and refuse to acknowledge any other options in all of their actions. They are despicable and the most lenient thing that should happen is to vote them out and try and forget they ever existed.

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