Tepid Sense of an Intrepid Destiny

Tuesday, August 03, 2004

Sleight of Hand

While we were spreading our military too thin, North Korea has been occupying their time by amassing intercontinental ballistic missles that can carry nuclear payloads. Not that you would have heard anything about it, after all, Michael Jackson's going to have quadruplets, Catwoman has bombed, and the Liberals are all Bush Bashing-weak-on-defense whiners with delusions of grandeur.

George Bush has seemingly found his sense (or at least Karl Rove did) and decided to lay off the negative attacks and focus on ... drumroll please ... exactly what John Kerry outlined in his convention speech. You don't believe me?

For example:

  1. We need a sense of purpose, a vision for the future, the conviction to do what's
  2. "What gives us optimism and hope? Freedom, faith, families, and sacrifice" hmmm. optimism? hope? but sacrifice??? seriously! that'll work (please note sarcasm)
  3. "moving America forward"

Meanwhile, Bush came out yesterday saying that with what he knows now, he still would have gone into Iraq. This isn't surprising since, well, we all knew he wanted to go in anyway and was drawing up plans before September 11th, he just needed a reason yet didn't need a reason (or have a valid one).

So while we wasted billions of dollars and close to one thousand soldiers' lives, North Korea is a real aggressor and an admitted iminent threat with actual nuclear weapons. But don't pay attention, we're code orange here.

The funniest thing is that the threats that have caused this increase in fear and fear factor is that the news is over 3 years old. Either our Intelligence Agencies are that bad and backed up; our Intelligence Agencies are counterintuitive, counterproductive and incompetent; this level was given to us because the news has been about Kerry too much and that his numbers rose the day before in a Newsweek Poll. NOW, I'm not saying what Randi Rhodes (from Air America) says, cause she got on my nerves yesterday when she basically contradicted herself in one sentence. It doesn't happen often, but it happened yesterday. She was saying how the Cronies, whether it be Ridge, Ashcroft, or the 'President,' announce incredibly ambiguous threats. She was pissed about the vague ones, yet also pissed about the detailed ones -- except this time, it seems the details were older than my underwear (for once). I am one that would prefer not to hear anything about any threats... it serves NO purpose for us who actually slink through the city bleary eyed; The ones who actually bump shoulders with the pigfucking tourists staring straight up with their I heart NY hats and 2 dollar t-shirts.

Meanwhile, Oil per barrel is above $44!! The highest it's ever been. Where's Prince Abdullah now and when does his deal with Bush take effect?

Update: I just wanted to add this tidbit: The city now has 4,000 fewer police than on Sept. 11, 2001, and this year New York was given $5.47 per head in homeland security grants -- the second lowest in the nation.


Anyhow, got back from the beach early this morning. Weather wasn't great but I managed to get good and drunk Saturday and Sunday. Didn't spend much cash either. I needs to get paid. I gotsto get paid. I took some unbelievable sunset pictures Sunday that I will post when I get home from work.

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