Tepid Sense of an Intrepid Destiny

Saturday, July 24, 2004

So. It's Saturday. AGAIN! what luck>

Yea, this is when I usually am all, well you fuckers, I'm off to the beach biznatch. Well I am, just not till late night 2am like.

Since it's supposed to rain, I suspect I will spend much time with a cold bottle in my hand. I don't think I've ever said this but, tomorrow I think I'm gonna watch some cycling. Lance Armstrong, whether you're American, self-loathing American, Canadian or French or French-Canadian, yinz gots to be impressed by what he's done. I won't watch though, I was just bullshitting... you know, time difference and erything.

I'm debating with Adam the beginning of Jazz and the first 'pop' music while listening to Louis Armstrong. Bahz Bahz Bahz Bahz Bahz Bahz Bahz Bah

Anyhow. So, rainy weekends, fractal windshields, late night driving to something on the radio. Last weekend I slept on the floor saturday and used a beach towel as a blanket. I have no idea how that happened.

Tonight possibly, when I get home, I am planning on running over my Alarm Clock; photo-documenting the whole thing. I hope I don't puncture my goodyears.


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