Tepid Sense of an Intrepid Destiny

Friday, August 06, 2004

Those Petty Fucks

This Swift Boat Veterans for Truth thing is so absurd it's insulting. The day after the Times reported that the Bush Administration was planning on laying out Bush's agenda, straying from the negative attacks and seeds-of-doubt ads about Kerry's service and record on defense, an ad comes out saying that Kerry is unfit for Commander in Chief and that he shouldn't be trusted! There is a lot of buzz around about this, meanwhile a surprisingly low amount of jobs were added in July. Here is the article which says:

WASHINGTON, July 31 — President Bush's campaign plans to use the normally quiet month of August for a vigorous drive to undercut John Kerry by turning attention away from his record in Vietnam to what the campaign described as an undistinguished and left-leaning record in the Senate.

This is from the NYT

Mr. Kerry's aides circulated an 18-page packet discrediting the veterans group and linking its backers to Republicans, noting that a public-relations consultant the group paid $27,000 this spring, Merrie Spaeth, was also involved in a advertising campaign attacking Senator John McCain during his tough race against Mr. Bush in the 2000 primary in South Carolina. The Kerry campaign also convened a conference call in which two of Mr. Kerry's crewmates, and a man he pulled from the Mekong River, defended his service.

This is from Guardian:

But Senator McCain said in an interview that the Bush camp had attacked his war record during the Republican primaries in 2000. "It was the same kind of deal that was pulled on me," he told Associated Press.

Later, Senator McCain said the Bush campaign had denied any involvement but then added: "I can't believe the president would pull such a cheap stunt."

John McCain ladies and gents, the only reasonable voice in the Republican Party.

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