So. You know those guys that drive the armored cars and deliver money to banks and whatnot... they have absolutely no sense of humor.
I want to name my next male dog "Animal" after the muppet babies. What a name, originally I was stuck on names like Huxley and Shakespeare... but "Animal" is, well, much better than "Dog."
How does the Iraqi President have the last name Talabani. Seriously. Nice job George.
How does Newsweek get dragged through the dregs for writing an article that no one disputes. Their story was corroborated once, not twice, yet all the majors, execs, and cabinet are making their rounds admitting that the Koran may have been handled inappropriately according to the religion. They use hand gestures when they say 'handled inappropriately,' to suggest that it may have only been held with one hand and not two, or something. Too late now. It's Newsweek's fault.
I've gotten three tickets in the last 24 hours. Three. There goes another $100. The total in parking tickets over the last two months is approaching $300. Before this innocent stretch I never came close to totalling $100 in all my life. Fuck West New York Parking Authority, or FWNYPA an their inconsistent fascism.
My wife is in Finland for a very extended stay. She is attempting to get into the University of Helsinki. Her entrance exam is on Thursday and I hope she does incredibly well. She left a week ago Memorial Day and I've barely left the house for anything but work, yet the place is a mess. I've got issues.
That's none of your business.
Mun Rakas and I at Seth and Rhiannon's Beautiful Wedding on May 23

Inka's left the country for a while. I am leaving West New York for greener pastures. Here's my soon-to-be housemate and I at a wedding in April.

The groom and his father

The groom, his father and I

Me after 10 glasses of wine, 5 glasses of champagne, countless beers and too much food.