Tepid Sense of an Intrepid Destiny

Wednesday, June 02, 2004

In response to Banishment

"Ha, banishment! be merciful, say 'death;'
For exile hath more terror in his look,
Much more than death: do not say 'banishment.'"

Saying that the one sight you viewed is vulgar is one
thing. Saying that the language is mine as well is
another. If you believe that I am not interested in
proper political discussions you are deluded and would
prefer to see one side of a book rather than open it.
If you are afraid of language yet attempt to dance around
topics by abusing it, you are a hypocrit.

I am not one to use blanket statements like you do. I
am not one that fears dissent or disagreement. You, like
your cohorts, concoct arguments
and create false realities so that the world you live in
isn't as miserable as it truly is for you. There's a blanket
statement for you. People find themselves most
pious when the present has no potential, and it's not
G-d that get's them out alive, it's will, determination,
talent and the things our creator provided and left us to
work with.

I saw an episode of West Wing once where the President
stood up to a Catholic Conservative who used the bible
for the crux of all her arguments (against homosexuality, for guns,
for prayer in school, etc). The President
replied by quoting all of the other lines in the Bible
that were just as ridiculous, antiquated and
irrelevant albeit on wacky topics. He said this to prove to her that picking
and choosing quotes from a book that has been
translated innumerable amounts of times to suit new agendas and crusades
as the actual word of god was as short-sighted as anything.

I prefer to use this analogy as a comparison for the
way you and your friends theologize arguments. Circle
speak and ill logic all lay claim to your comment
field, and I take a little bit of pride in the
knowledge that you can't handle it.

It's such a shame people like you are allowed out of the closet.
One placed idiot president gives the right to deluded to believe
they have a common view? Your associates are like
the cicadas. You will return to your hibernation but hopefully never
resurface. Your crusade will be frozen. You will once again dwell in
the maddening loneliness and lunacy of one-hit wonders, fortunate sons,
and illegitimacy.

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