Tepid Sense of an Intrepid Destiny

Thursday, May 27, 2004

I realize that I have written many posts that are quite inflammatory, some borderline omni-paranoid and ultra-conspiratorial anti-conservative, but I will stand by what's been said and add this...all things considered, all things must be considered. Over the last 30 years, public distrust in authority, power and government is rising to revolutionary levels. There aren't many things that are said by people in those positions that isn't questioned, refuted or claimed as complete heresy; Many of these things done so in a wild-fire sort of way. Often, it is complete nonsense; sometimes it is right on; other times, it gets buried or forgotten about for a period of time, and then, all of a sudden, a firestorm (like what happened with the apparent abuse in Abu Ghraib). Yea gods, we are in for it...

Empty words and bullshit get on my nerves... and there seems to be a slight Fuck Bush bandwagon goin' on with people who just want to 'party in the name of revolution.' By using some sort of fad or theme, they think they can create a big enough buzz (and hits) for what. To create some sort of NYC Woodstock Apocalypse Party mixed with overthought petty '12 Monkeys' pranks in the name of our President?

Although hesitant and fearful to fall into the "man behind the curtain syndrome," people will remain as blind and ignorant (def. 3. Unaware or uninformed) as ever if resources are not found. Sure, I can dig it : Fuck Bush, party like it's 2004 and we might be killed for 'hosting' Bushies RNC, party like you have nothing to lose ... maybe partying in vain for a cause you have no idea why you support something is still good, it is still support.

If you want to do something about this though... do something about this. Tell your readers/friends what is wrong with what's going on... give them links to articles, sites to regularly peruse, stations to tune in to (1190 am). Suggest clever demonstrations like throwing eggs at an effigy, or creating pictures of Bush, Cheney, Bandar and Rice playing with silly puddy, a funny chicken crossed the road joke (because Bush isn't a uniter), or anything but partying in the name of partying in the name of.

* premiseless theses are as empty Bush promises

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