Step On It, And Step On It
Helen Thomas wrote a great piece yesterday. She spoke about themes I often bring up here... the definition of Liberal vs. Conservative; progression; Bush sucks. I am no Helen Thomas.
The debates last night were surprising in their unsurprisingness. Kerry looked smart, well versed in what he had to know, and honest. Bush still keeps repeating the same trite tripe as if it were the tantamount rejoinder. Bush did have one good answer, but I was too drunk last night to remember what it was today. I do remmeber all the bad jokes Bush tried to pawn off. They were all worse than, "Want some wood?"
Like, "well I hope it's not the administrations fault! *snicker, wink*" It is, Georgie. After every joke he was so proud of himself that he didn't notice the silence that shrouded the entire auditorium.
Bush bombed as if he were Colin Quinn at a Friar's Roast.
Kerry actually had the joke of the day with his marrying up line. that was so good the moderator lost his lunch, and his car keys.
Kerry won all the debates. He caught up in the polls and is leading in many battleground states. The Republicans are going to start feeling desperate and will pull some really dirty tricks... like ransack their own campaign offices.
It's very scary, but Bush looked like he did not feel comfortable in his own skin. He was so aware of himself and the look on his face that every 'reaction' was so fake and contrived. Watching him look at Kerry and listen to his points is like looking at a first grader trying to act. Everything is so overemphasized, obvious and cliche you can tell he's ready for nap time.
The best article I've read today, so far, is from the Washington Post by Tom Shales.
On the subject of abortion, Bush charged once again that his opponent was "out of the mainstream." When the subject turned to health care, Kerry said, predictably, "I've got a better plan." Schieffer had quoted news media in framing the question and Bush, grinning, said, "In all due respect, I'm not so sure it's credible to quote leading news organizations about -- never mind." Then he laughed robustly at whatever joke he was telling himself.
Though he thinks that, ultimately, the American People lost because nothing really 'happened,' Kerry did well enough (read: didn't screw up) to earn most undecided voters that have brains. So, on second thought, the article is only OK. I'm sure there are better, too bad I don't care enough to try right now myself.
Despite many thinking Kerry's Tony Soprano line was a bit much, I disagree. It was a good analogy. That's all. It probably perked some people's ears when they heard that name. So. After three debates, Bush is lucky that the Kerry people didn't come up with an earthquake line. Nothing that will echo in the annals; nothing that will make Bush's tail go further back between his legs... and that's most unfortunate.