Tepid Sense of an Intrepid Destiny

Saturday, December 11, 2004

It's not pompousness -- but I consider myself a pretty funny guy. I apparently have a problem being funny in writing. Allegedly, I come across too composed and frank -- borderline callous. How do I prove to my faithfull readers that I'm funny if I haven't been funny once here? I could tell you the one joke I told at work that could prove it ... but isn't that a bit self-involved? self-indulgent? self-important? I don't care:

Marsha, sitting across from me a year ago ... it's morning, boring and slow... she blurts out, "so, a family of rats are crossing the subway tracks."

As she states this, my supervisor walks towards her desk, slinking behind my chair, and says, "Well, how do you know it was a family?"

I interrupt quickly, "Because they were arguing."

Brilliant, right? This is funny, no matter how it comes across.... but is it funny in this medium? should I stick to witty comedy and retorts at work or should I try and be all anecdotal and allegorical like Mike?

Fuck you mike.

Me and he were supposed to toss knuckles around tonight, sort of as a joke/catharsis. Neither of us are funny. nor are we Carl Weathers, so prat falls and stage fighting would be a bit lame. Speaking of Apollo Creed, I'm surprised I've never mentioned Arrested Devlopment here yet... being that it's the best show on TV in a while, maybe ever. I dig it.

(Oh, if you thought that previous post actually represented my mix tape, you were wrong. It was the brief inner monologue/debate involved in one.)

Tonight was our company's christmas party. We were in New York and after a couple of stiff drinks, I began to shmooze. That's all.

I got promoted a while ago and apparently I'm supposed to put my foot down regarding all the other editors who don't hold their own at work. Sometimes I feel I don't hold my own though... especially when the jovial ribbing involves ripping each other with the amount the other editor does. Fuck it. I'm gonna be mean. After all, I have nothing left to live for.
That's not true. I've got dogs.

Whatever. I need to reevaluate/get some sleep.

I wish I could post the song I'm listening to right now...
All it's called is New Song on my Windows Media Player.
I guess I should really start buying albums and reading the liner again. That used to be fun, huh?

Anise told me that she thought it was indearing that I call mun rakas mun rakas.... not that any of you know what it means. Pet names that are not pet names in other languages are still pet names in some languages, right? hopohopo
which means nonsense, in Finnish. Now that's a great word. I love language.

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